Thursday, January 28, 2010

It is COLD out there!

Ok, I have said it before when I have heard people complain about the weather - We live in Canada, it's January, and it is cold - deal with it! But after the warmish weather that we have had I am finding it particularly difficult to deal with this cold snap. The low for tonight is -16 with wind chills the temperature will feel more like -24. That is just too darn cold. This morning the snow was blowing and drifting to the point that I thought that the buses might be canceled and Emily would experience her first 'snow day' of 2010. To say that Emily was thrilled at this prospect would be an understatement. So you can imagine her disappointment when I told her that the buses were indeed operating and she had to go to school!
Emily participates in a program at school called 'Rocket Readers', the goal of this program is to encourage kids to read by rewarding their efforts with stickers for every 10 books that they read. Emily is now reading level B books which I find pretty impressive given the fact that she is only 5 years old. I am sure that I wasn't reading books at this level until at least grade 2. Kindergarten has certainly changed.
Mady continues to try everyone's patience - the 'terrible' twos can't pass soon enough! Her speech is evolving very well. Last week her response to any direction given was 'oday', this week she has added 'alred' (alright). Emily is now known as 'Onolie' - which I think is an improvement from 'dar', Norb is now 'Dada', Grandma is now 'Ma', and I am now 'Mum', 'Mama', or 'Mommy'. I don't remember feeling as excited when Emily first called me 'mommy' - I think because I assumed that speech was a normal developmental progression that every child would have. But seeing the pride in Mady's eyes when she is able to produce a sound that has meaning is so wonderful - I am sure that there will be days that I will need to remind myself of these moments when she won't stop talking :) Don't get me wrong - I absolutely loved hearing Emily call me mom for the first time, it is just different this time. I still love opening the door after a busy day at work and hearing Emily shout "Mom!". I wouldn't trade these moments for anything.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The end is near - I think

Well today was my fourth official day back at work following my three month absence - I am pooped. Working full-time, being a parent, and completing my degree is BUSY. But the end is was the first day of my final course towards the completion of my BScN, a day that has felt completely unachievable for a long time now. I am looking forward to scratching one role off of my list of responsibilities. April 1, 2010 is the day that my final assignment is due and I can hardly wait.
This week in addition to returning to work and school I have also resumed my pottery evenings, something that I truly enjoy and find relaxing and thrilling at the same time. At some point I would like to add a good wheel and kiln to the garage so I will have a little more freedom in when and where I am able to create. Emily received a mini pottery wheel for Christmas - which she is totally excited about. The first bowl that she made was destroyed by her 'baby' sister. Needless to say Emily was not very happy with her 'baby' sister. I would have to say that Emily has a creative flair - drawing, singing, 'playing' the guitar, painting are a few of her favourite things. Mady's creative energy has lately been directed toward unconventional mediums - drawing on the floors or walls seems to be preferred to paper right now. Mr.Clean magic erasers have become a staple in my home.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Well more than a year has past since my last post - where did 2009 go?? I can't believe that a decade has passed since the world worried that Y2K would cause computer systems to crash and data to be lost.
In thinking about the past year and all of the joy and happiness that I had in my life I cannot help but think about the hardships and losses that so many people in our community have faced. The economic downturn of the past year has possibly been one of the most difficult things in many people's lives. I am hopeful and optimistic that 2010 will be better. We have been blessed this past year with a healthy family, secure jobs, and a home that is ever changing.
Emily is blossoming into a beautiful young girl - she has entered her second school year and continues to amaze me with the things that she thinks of and says.
Madalyn continues to be our spirited and adventurous toddler. She has proven that no two children in the same family will behave the same way :) Mady is always up for a challenge or to try something new - including writing on the floors, walls, and herself. One thing is certain if there isn't any noise - you need to be worried.
As the new year begins - like many people I have thought of some resolutions for the upcoming year. In now particular order here is a list of my top ten resolutions for 2010:
1) Be more organized.
2) Declutter my life - beginning in my closet :)
3) Compete all unfinished projects (big or small) before starting any more
4) Spend more time doing things that I enjoy
5) Spend more time outside being active
6) Work being more accepting and less judgmental of people in my life
7) Adopt a more healthy lifestyle
8) Laugh more
9) Take more pictures, blog often, and scrapbook as many memories as possible
10) Be more POSITIVE!
Well that concludes this post - I am planning on blogging more in the days, weeks, and months ahead.
