Today was one of the most beautiful fall days that I can remember. We spent the day outside enjoying the wonderfully warm weather - 25 degrees! We shared a huge turkey dinner with my in-laws and a couple of hours scouring the pumpkin patch in search of the perfect pumpkins and finding our way through the corn maze. Emily had a great day, Mady wasn't so happy to be placed amongst a wagon-full pumpkins as I tried to get the perfect photo. It was also Thanksgiving, so I thought that I would share all of the things that I am thankful for.
I am thankful for...
-my family, without all of the love and support that I receive from them I know that I would not be the person that I am
-my home, this is a place that can be chaotic at times but it is always my favourite place to be
-my career, during such challenging economic times I am thankful that I have a career that provides well for me
-my health, well there are some things that I would change overall I am happy to be healthy
-my friends, there are several people that have always been there for me and have allowed me to cry on their shoulders and laugh out loud with
-my things, while this may seem superficial of me I am thankful for all of the possessions that I have accumulated over the years and although they may not seem like much to others they are definitely 'my treasures' (to quote Emily)
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